Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learning Respect

I've always thought that people should have to work in a restaurant at least once in their life. Like a high school internship or something. People don't realize how they talk to people until they are on the receiving end of disrespect. Please, when you go out to eat remember that the person serving you deserves to be talked to the way you think you deserve to be talked to. Don't assume you know their situation or decide that they are "settling" in a job. Restaurant work is hard, tiring and most of the time thankless, taken for granite. While you are relaxing, sipping a drink and enjoying the company of friends and family, the people "waiting" on you are missing time with their friends and family, working through lunch or dinner, running around crazy, they're hot and getting attitude from more than just the people sitting in their section.

Please, come into restaurants, smile and enjoy having someone bring you everything you need. If you decide to enjoy the experience chances are you really will! :-)


Jan said...

I agree that everyone should work in a restaurant at least once. I worked in most of the restaurants in Blairsville at one time or another during the late 70's and 80's. I was a waitress, server, grill cook, fry cook, baker, dishwasher, hostess, and cashier, though not in that order. These were very hard jobs at times but usually lots more fun than some other jobs I have had.

shanna2777 said...

Janice, thanks for your comment. I did not know that about you. :-) Restaurant work is quite hard and stressful, but there sure are some fun times laughing with co-workers!!! I do agree with that!